The Hormone Balance Blueprint

created by registered dietitian,
 julia glanz

Your step-by-step plan to balance your hormones naturally

You deserve to feel your best
and it starts with optimizing your hormones. 

This program is for you if you're struggling with...

Now imagine if you could... 

  • Low energy & afternoon crashes
  • Constant cravings for sweets
  • Difficulty losing weight (that stubborn belly fat)
  • Difficulty building lean muscle (not feeling toned)
  • Brain fog
  • Painful periods
  • Irregular cycles
  • Perimenopause symptoms

Get rid of the constant bloat so you feel comfortable in your jeans
Have energy all day without the afternoon crash

Cravings for sweets that are sabotaging your results? Say goodbye to those, too.

Know most effective strategies to lose the stubborn belly fat in a way that's healthy and sustainable

Feel confident and empowered in knowing how to properly nourish YOUR body and hormones, long-term so you can say goodbye to yo-yo dieting for good

This is all possible for you!  

What: A simplified women-specific program to balance your hormones naturally

When: Enrollment open now

Inside the user-friendly program portal

Why: Because once your hormones are balanced, you can truly start feeling your best and you deserve it!

The Hormone Balance Blueprint course is a research-backed plan that's helped thousands of women release stubborn fat, feel more energized, lower anxiety, improve their relationship and confidence with food and their body, heal their gut issues and get rid of constant bloat.

 It's an easy-to-implement plan designed specifically for women who are ready to learn an EASY and *sustainable* way to properly nourish their body and hormones without feeling like they're on a restrictive diet and without having to be perfect.

Release hormonal weight
Get rid of hormonal symptoms
Have more confidence in your body

See what others have said after following the Hormone Balance Blueprint...

"After our first week together, I could confidently say that that feeling [of chronic bloating and GI discomfort] has not returned!!"

- Adelle

“Now, my energy levels have never been better. I no longer feel groggy when I wake up, and my energy levels within my workouts are at an all- time high"

- Angie

“I feel a huge difference in my energy level, sleep quality and mental clarity. "

- Stacey

My journeY + HoW I can help YOU

After getting off the birth control pill I had a missing period for 10 years along with gut issues, acne, thyroid issues, constant fatigue, brain fog, hot flashes, night sweats and then random 15 pound weight gain without changing anything with my diet or exercise routine.

Experiencing these hormone imbalance was the lowest point in my life. It  felt isolating and frustrating. It felt like my body was betraying me and I had no control over what it was doing.

I didn't get answers from the doctors I saw, so I took matters into my own hands...

With my education as a Registered Dietitian, I devoted years to diving into the science and learning about the woman's body. I needed to know WHY I was experiencing my symptoms.

Once I figured out that all my symptoms were due to a hormonal imbalance, my whole life changed.  I then figured out the most effective nutrition and lifestyle strategies for our female body and I rebalanced my hormones..

I'm sharing the exact formula with you in this course! The step-by-step women-specific plan to get your hormones into balance and helping you feel your best!

Do you want more energy?

Do you want to get rid of your gut issues like constant bloating or constipation?

Do you want to finally heal the underlying cause of your hormone related symptoms like acne, low libido and feeling anxious/depressed?

How about finally figuring out why your hormones are keeping you stuck in a weight loss plateau?

If you said YES to any of these, the Hormone Balance Blueprint
is for you.

 You'll get my top tips and proven methods to help you uncover
which hormone imbalances are in the way of you feeling your best
and preventing you from reaching your health goals.

Phase 1: REVIVE

Eat for your hormones to rev up your metabolism and have more energy.

What you eat has a huge impact on your hormone health. In this phase you'll learn exactly what foods to choose and how much. 

I’ll help you easily create meals that you love in a way that fits your lifestyle - regardless of your food preferences!

BONUS - you’ll get a meal plan, meal guide, supplement recommendations and optimization tips created specifically to help you work with your body and your hormones. You'll quickly have less cravings and more energy and the exact formula to rev up your metabolism.

Take a look inside...


Improve digestion, reduce inflammation, release excess weight.

In this phase, you'll learn how to support your gut health and
natural detoxification pathways which are key components to
improving digestion, releasing stubborn weight and reducing inflammation. You'll learn how your gut health is affecting your hormones and what you can do and which simple swaps you can make ASAP to address this.

Take a look inside...


Start eating, exercising and living in alignment to support  your female physiology and hormones.

In this phase, there's 2 tracks: cycle syncing and  menopause. So no matter what phase in life you're in, you'll learn how to best support your physiology through nutrition, exercise and lifestyle so you can feel your best, relieve hormonal symptoms, and feel confident and empowered in your body.

You’ll get a done-for-you cheat sheet so you can easily implement the action steps! 

Take a look inside...


Your toolbox + long-term success plan.

No more going back to restrictive dieting to "get back on track". This phase will give you all the tools you need to truly make the hormone balance blueprint method a lifestyle that's sustainable long-term.

In this phase you'll be equipped with an on-going library of specific guides and protocols for various topics from exercise nutrition to intermittent fasting, SIBO, hashimoto's, fertility and more (if there's any topic you are interested in that is not currently listed in this phase, you will have an option to submit a request as I will be continuously expanding this course and adding more resources to support your hormone health).

BONUS: You'll also get access to discounted 1:1 consultations including comprehensive testing for gut. hormones and nutrient analysis.

Take a look inside...

LIVE Q&A / Office Hours

Every month there will be a LIVE Q&A on Zoom. Think about this as office hours with me, where you can ask your questions and get the support you need!

*Don't worry if you can't make it live, you'll be able to submit your questions beforehand and watch the recording after! There will be an on-going library of Q&A recordings.

Take a look inside...

Messaging / Email Access

You'll have access to me via a private online community and via email, so if you have any questions at any point, you can reach out and get your questions answered!

There will be exclusive options for 1:1 support provided for program members only.

Private Community

There's an amazing community of women who are all on their hormone balancing journey too!

The private community inside the online portal is a safe space for members only where you can ask questions, get support, share your wins, and meet new friends! 


The daily action steps, goals, monthly calls and worksheets will help you stay accountable throughout the program!

I'll provide easy-to-implement tips, strategies and support to make sure you are set up for success and continue staying on the right path towards your goals.

Tired of spending hours on the internet researching it all on your own...

only to feel even more overwhelmed and frustrated?

I got you covered.

I’ve created a blueprint that works for women who are:

  • struggling with weight gain / inability to lose weight due to hormonal imbalance
  • experiencing constant fatigue (and/or cravings) throughout the day
  • feeling anxious / depressive like symptoms
  • suffering with gut issues like bloating and constipation
  • feeling OFF and ready to follow a proven plan to rebalance their hormones naturally

If you made it this far & still want more info...
you're just like me :) 

Here's a step-by-step breakdown of what's included in the purchase of this program:

Video modules of my top tips and proven methods for balancing your hormones, reducing bloat, releasing stubborn belly fat, and feeling more energized!

4-week cycle syncing meal plan with hormone balancing recipes + easy to follow meal guides

PDF downloadable cheat sheets for each module (easy access via the online portal)

PDF downloadable checklist with daily action steps (easy access via the online portal)

Ongoing support inside the private online community

Step-by-step instructions on how to implement your goals and make these lifestyle changes long-lasting

Support and accountability from myself & other like-minded women who join the program

Monthly LIVE Q & A Coaching Calls via Zoom to keep you on track and motivated! (Don’t worry - you will have a chance to submit questions beforehand and watch the recording after, if you can’t make it live!)

PLUS Get These BONUSES When You Sign Up Now:

Done-for-you meal prep templates so you don't have to think

Quick-start template to save you time when you're busy

21-Day Detox Challenge for when you need a reset

Release Stubborn Weight Protocol - the go-to protocol when all else fails

Boost Focus and Mental Clarity Guide so you can say goodbye to brain fog

Thyroid Health Guide to optimize your metabolism and put Hashimoto's into remission

PCOS Guide to reverse symptoms

Cycle Syncing Plan to optimize your menstrual cycle and female physiology

Menopause Plan - a crash course on thriving beyond menopause, mentally and physically

Educational Resources, PDFs & Videos to ensure you're successful

Easy access to purchase my top recommended labs on your own

Discounted 1:1 consultations with Julia

LIFETIME access to the course and all future upgrades so you can stay up-to-date on all the proven ways to
best support your body and hormones long-term

Monthly LIVE Q & A Calls (x 12) to get all your questions answered
($3,600+ Value)

Women-Specific Plan + Video Modules to learn easy-to-implement action steps 
($600+ Value)

Cheat Sheets, Templates & Guides to ensure your success
($500+ Value)

Hormone Balancing Weekly Meal Plan x 4 with simple & quick recipes
($300+ Value)

BONUS done-for-you Protocols
($1,000+ Value)

Discounted Professional Grade Supplements 

(saves you $$$)

Direct access to a Registered Dietitian (me!) via private community
(no price tag on getting the personalized support you need to succeed)

Value Of What You Get Inside:

Total Value = $6,000+


What happens after I purchase the program?

Once you purchase the program, you'll get a welcome email with instant access to the platform! 
Once you're inside the program platform, you'll be prompted to watch the course overview video which will cover everything you need to know so you're set up for success and can begin right away!

Keep Reading For More
"Before & After" Testimonials

“I am so grateful to have been introduced to Julia! I have been battling with chronic bloating and GI discomfort for a couple years now. I had been to my primary, a GI specialist, tried different diet changes I found online with no long-term success. As a healthcare provider, I knew it was time for professional guidance to help me overcome this chronic battle I have been facing. 

I met with Julia once a week where we reviewed responses to plans set forth the week prior and came up with a reasonable and achievable plan for the upcoming week together. She was supportive through the whole process, answered any and all questions during our meetings and throughout the week, and of course…most importantly…we got results!

Some may think that this constant state of “discomfort” is not a big deal but if you’ve experienced it you - you know exactly how debilitating it can be. And after our first week together, I could confidently say that that feeling has not returned!!
Julia has taught me so much during our time together and for the first time in years I finally feel like I have a solid plan to succeed and overcome this!”

- Adelle

"Just a month ago I was in a bad place. Clothes were getting tighter and tighter, constantly bloated, frequent heartburn, lack of energy, just feeling like crap overall. I have tried all the diets or lifestyles...vegan, keto, paleo, whole 30, plant paradox, nutrisystem (I was desperate). None of those stuck. Counting calories doesn't work for me either. Weighing food and being precise with macros doesn't last long. 

Food has always been my issue. I snack too much, mindless grazing was my biggest problem. I'm pretty active, but like they say you can't out train a bad diet. I was feeling so bad I was thinking about making a doctor appointment.  

I'm so grateful that I somehow was introduced to Julia on instagram. She came across to me as super passionate about what she does, among other she knows her stuff, always smiling and positive. Often encouraging her followers to ask questions and reach out if they needed help. So I reached out. I never worked with a nutritional coach before and decided why not invest in myself. See what happens. I needed accountability.

Needed some guidance. Julia gave me all that and more.
Working with Julia turned out to be one of the best decisions I have ever made."

 - Danielle

“Prior to working with Julia, I would feel fatigue, lack of energy, and had poor sleep. I heavily became dependent on caffeine to get me through a day. Even though I was averaging 7 to 8 hours of sleep, I would still feel very tired. Working with Julia has been an absolute blessing.

She is very meticulous to detail and made sure to address all of my problems. Not only is Julia well-versed in nutrition science, but she also has a background as a strength and conditioning coach. With that, she was able to tailor my nutrition needs around my workouts and body composition goals. I thought my low energy levels were all in my head, but through an intensive hormone test, my results showed me that I was valid for feeling the way I was.

My favorite part of working with her was that every plan or adjustment she made easily transitioned into my lifestyle. She makes sure to create attainable habits that will stick long term.

Now, my energy levels have never been better. Instead of daily, I drink coffee only two to three times a week now. I no longer feel groggy when I wake up, and my energy levels within my workouts are at an all- time high. I am so grateful that Julia was able to get to the root cause of the problem.

I could not recommend her enough for any of your nutrition related concerns!”

- Angie

“I worked with Julia for 1 month. My goals were to get my mindset back on track with smarter eating habits, continue to learn about best practices for my body and diet, and be held accountable by a certified professional. In a short amount of time I was able to achieve these mentioned goals. Aside from the data and tools she provided me, our weekly check-ins over the phone were a great use of time and I left each call with more knowledge.

I really appreciated how Julia was able to easily respond and drop knowledge on a variety of topics during our weekly calls as they would often change based off of what was top of mine for me (smoothie recipes, menstrual cycle, favorite cereal brands, morning routines, etc.). Being able to message her as needed during the week about whether to buy x or y, serving size clarity, more recipes for a certain cuisine, etc made me feel especially supported as well. 

Not only was Julia able to deliver on what her package offers on paper, but most importantly she was a lovely, relatable person to work with! Working with personable and genuine individuals is of utmost importance to me, and you’ll definitely get that when working with Julia.

Would 100% recommend her to anyone looking to work with a genuinely knowledgeable and personable coach!”

- Poonam

"I am so grateful that I found Julia on Instagram. I had been feeling off for a few years and I basically was told it was normal to feel this way because I have young children. After having children, breastfeeding and attempting hormonal birth control (then promptly stopping it), things just didn't feel right to me, and I wasn't okay with it. Working with Julia was exactly what I needed. She listened to me and reassured me that feeling this way wasn't normal and that there was hope!

I have been following Julia's recommendations for food and supplements for a few months, and I feel a huge difference in my energy level, sleep quality and mental clarity.  Julia is extremely knowledgeable, kind and supportive and I highly recommend her!"

- Stacey

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Will I learn what to eat for my hormones?
A: Yes! I truly believe one of the most important pillars for women's health is nourishing your body for your hormones. You'll learn how to eat for your hormones in Phase 1 and get more specific in Phase 3! Plus you'll get meal guides, hormone balancing recipes AND you'll get to ask me any questions you have on our weekly Q&A. 

Q: Is this for me if I am on Birth Control?
A: Yes! Whether you are on birth control (the pill, IUD, etc.) you will still benefit from this program! Gut health, eating to balance your blood sugar, replenishing with micronutrients that the pill can deplete and reducing inflammation is key for optimizing your health and hormones which you will do inside the course!

Q: Will this work if I'm going through menopause?
A: Yes! Supporting your gut, insulin sensitivity, heart health and muscle/bone health during this time is very important and this is exactly what you'll be doing in this course! There will be a specific menopause module, too!

Q: Can I do this program if I have PCOS?
A: Yes! You'll learn and implement the foundational nutrition strategies for hormone health and gut health which is especially important if you have PCOS. And you'll get a specific PCOS protocol Phase 4 where you'll learn more about how to optimize your body to put PCOS symptoms at bay.

Q: Will I lose fat?
A: It depends! This is not a quick fix program and since I don't know you or your health history, I cannot promise you results. Can you lose fat? Absolutely. I'll be teaching you the tools to get your body into a fat burning mode and out of fat storage mode, so that you can reach your body composition goals! This program is about reaching your goals in a way that's healthy and sustainable while feeling energized, mentally clear and supporting your hormones! If you are looking for a quick fix, this program isn't for you and that's totally okay! 

Q: What if I don't want to lose fat?
A: This is NOT a weight loss or fat loss program. Yes you'll learn how to tap into fat burning, which is a mechanism that allows your body to use fat for energy and helps you have more stable energy levels throughout the day! As long as you are eating enough for your body, you'll be able to maintain your weight, support your hormones and feel energized throughout the day!

Q: What if I'm Vegan / Vegetarian / Gluten-Free / Dairy-Free?
A: No problem! There will be swaps in every meal plan and in eating guide so that you can tailor any meal to your personal food preferences! And you'll have access to ask me any questions about substitutions! 

Q: Do I have to follow the meal plan to see results?
A: You don't have to follow the meal plan! I will provide a meal guide so you have a light structure, while also having the freedom and flexibility to choose the foods you like! If you have any questions about certain foods, you can always reach out or submit a question for the Q&A call!

Q: How much time will this take daily?
A: It depends! The video modules are 20ish minutes but once you watch that you'll be free to incorporate the strategies on your own. The goal is to implement this protocol in a way that fits into your lifestyle. The amount of time you invest daily will depend on whether or not you are watching a video module that day, tracking your meals in your journal, or incorporating the optimization exercises provided.

Q: I've tried so many other diet plans and nothing has worked. How is this program different?
A: Over the 28-days, you'll learn how your metabolism works as a female, how your gut impacts your weight, mood and energy, and how you can naturally optimize your hormones to reach your health goals. Most diet plans use calculations to provide recommendations like calories/macros - my approach is different. I take into account your unique hormones, your menstrual cycle, your physiology and your metabolism. My approach involves eating all foods, including foods you LOVE, while supporting your energy levels, gut health, fat burning mechanisms, and your mindset.

Q: I'm going on vacation...should I still join?
A: Yes! The goal of this program is to provide you with the tools and strategies so you can implement it wherever you are! Even if you're not making any of the meals - you can still use the tips, methods and meal guides! You'll also have access to revisit all of the materials any time after the challenge!

Q: Will I need to purchase expensive supplements?
A: Absolutely not! This program is designed to support you with gentle nutrition and lifestyle shifts so that you can feel your best! The program can be completed 100% without supplements. I will provide supplement recommendations + a discount, but it is not necessary or required for you to purchase.

Q: What results can I expect?
A: Hundreds of women have gone through my hormone balance blueprint + proven methods that I share in this program! Women report back: more energy, reduced bloating, improved digestion, lost body fat % and inches / improved body composition, more mental clarity, clearer skin, better sleep, less stress, regulated menstrual cycles, no more PMS, better relationship with food, and the list can go on! If you complete the program in its entirety, you can expect to experience one or more of the above!

Q: What if I don't see results?
A: If you complete the program in its entirety, as recommended and after 3 months, you are not happy with your results, send me an email at and I will refund you 100%. There is zero risk on your end to give this program a try and have to opportunity to experience the same life changing benefits as hundreds of other women!

Q: Do you offer hormone testing?
A: Yes - you will have this option inside the course at a discounted price!

Q: Can I schedule a 1 on 1 consultation with you during the challenge?
A: Yes! This is where you can get an individualized meal plan and personalized recommendations based on your individual needs and goals! The 1 on 1 consultation cost is $300. This is for course members only and all information to book a consultation will be inside the course.